No Need To Call

Posted: February 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

“Hey, I can’t talk. Text me, okay?”


How many times have you heard this, or said this, when talking to a friend or a family member? The reality is that talking on the phone has almost become a thing of the past. Talking on the phone seems to be coming in second to text messaging. It’s almost as if talking on the phone has become a hassle when you could easily just send a text in under 120 characters and get your point across. In addition, text messaging seems to offer benefits which you would not get from a phone call. While you may be able to hear a persons voice and their emphasis on words, one is not always in a situation where talking on the phone is appropriate. For example, being able to communicate with people during a loud concert or in a quiet environment. Whether you’re in a meeting, in class, or on the treadmill, it is simple and easy to text wherever you may be.

Text messaging has revolutionized the social culture of which we are a part of. In schools there is no longer a need to pass notes in class and risk someone seeing it. On dates, theres no need to wait until you get home to tell your friends of how it went. Now you can keep them continuously updated as it occurs. If a parents or coaches need to send reminders they can send a mass message within seconds. However, like with everything in this world, text messaging can also be used for darker motifs. From mass forwarding of  inappropriate pictures to bullying someone via messages, texting has allowed people to do much harm. However, though there are negative uses for digital messaging, the benefits greatly outweigh them.

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